Tartu Ülikool

Kolmapäeval toimub kütuseelemendi teemaline loeng

Kolmapäeval (17.08.2022) kell 10.15 toimub Keemia Instituudis, ruumis 1020, kütuseelemendi teemaline loeng „Electrothermal balanced operation - A new operation method for improved SOEC performance”. 


“The solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) technology offers the highest energy conversion efficiency. However, high degradation and thermal variations that cause thermomechanical stress hinders up-scaling of the SOEC technology. Here we present a novel operation method that alleviates temperature variations and minimize degradation caused by impurities and nickel migration. By rapidly switching between electrolysis mode and brief periods in fuel cell mode, a flat thermal profile is obtained. Our results thus establish a new, simple way to achieve increased SOEC stack and module size and extended lifetime. The new operation method enables dynamic operation of large SOEC modules for renewable energy powered PtX systems which could drastically decrease costs associated with production of high-value green fuels and chemicals from wind and solar power.”

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Huy Qui Vinh Nguyen kaitseb doktoritööd „Süsinikule sadestatud Pt-CeO2 katalüsaatorite väljatöötamine prootonvahetusmembraan kütuseelementidele“

16. augustil kell 11.15 kaitseb Huy Qui Vinh Nguyen oma doktoritööd „Süsinikule sadestatud Pt-CeO2 katalüsaatorite väljatöötamine prootonvahetusmembraan kütuseelementidele“.

Kerli Martin kaitseb doktoritööd „Recognition of carboxylates by synthetic receptors - from structure-affinity studies to solid-contact anion-selective electrode prototyping“

7. augustil kell 10.15 kaitseb Kerli Martin doktoritööd „Recognition of carboxylates by synthetic receptors - from structure-affinity studies to solid-contact anion-selective electrode prototyping“.
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