About the Institute
Study Info
The Rector’s Office of the University of Tartu has decided that the university continues face-to-face teaching in spring semester 2021/22.
Requirements for graduation thesis and procedure for defence in the Faculty of Science and Technology (Additional requirements fot Institute of Chemistry)
Chair of Applied Electrochemistry
The Department of Organic Chemistry, formerly known as Institute of Organic Chemistry, is, as it has been for a long time, one of the most prolific and dynamic among Chemistry
Chair of Molecular Technology
Main research areas 1) Studies of nanostructured and chemically modified materials (Kaido Tammeveski, k
Chair of Physical Chemistry
Chair of Bioorganic Chemistry
Fields of research Since 1990-s in the Chair of Inorganic Chemistry the investigations of processes of electrochemical synthesis of polypyrrole (PPy) thin films are going on.