ESS Estonia

Estonian participation in designing, construction and application of the ESS

ESS Eesti (lisa paremale veergu Enn Lusti kontakt ja Piret Pikma kontakt)

PI: prof. Enn Lust, Chair of Physical Chemistry, University of Tartu

Partner: Tallinn University of Technology

Project webpage: ESS

Project information in ETIS

The European Spallation Source is an international cooperation project between 17 European countries, the aim of which is to build and maintain a research infrastructure object of the next generation, which is mainly designed for medical, biochemistry and materials studies with the use of neutrons. ESS is to be built in Lund, Sweden, and its computing centre will operate in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is estimated that the research infrastructure will be completed by 2025.

Thanks to ESS, Estonian researchers and engineers can access a unique research infrastructure that can be used to perform innovative, high-impact work in different fields of research.

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