Study Info

Teaching at the University of Tartu is organised on the basis of particular curricula’s as it is settled by the Regulation of Studies of the University of Tartu. The volume of a curriculum per one official standard academic year is 60 credits in the European credit transfer system (ECTS). One credit corresponds to 26 hours of work, at least half of which is constituted by independent work.


The defense of master's theses in Applied Measurement Science will take place on May 30 and 31, and the defense of bachelor's theses in chemistry will take place on June 2 and 3, starting at 9.15 in room 1020.

Attestations of doctoral students in chemistry will take place on June 8 and 9, starting at 9.15 in room 1020.

International master's programmes

Applied Measurement Science

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Excellence in Analytical Chemistry (in cooperation with Åbo Akademi University, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and Uppsala University; coordinated by UT)

Materials and Processes of Sustainable Energetics (in cooperation with TalTech; coordinated by TalTech)

Doctoral studies

The doctoral programme is the third level of academic study, the purpose of which is provision to the doctoral student of competence and skills of an independent professional in the chosen speciality. The volume of the doctoral programme is 240 ECTS. The awarded doctoral degree (PhD) is the highest academic degree in Estonia. Students wishing to undertake a doctorate programme must hold a Master's degree or an equivalent academic qualification. The programme lasts for 4 years. Read more about doctoral programmes.

Other programmes

Bachelor in Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science)
(in Estonian)

The bachelor’s programme is the first level of academic study, whereby the student enhances his/her general educational basis, acquires basic knowledge and skills in the speciality and knowledge and skills necessary for starting the master’s programme and work. The volume of the bachelor’s programme is 180 ECTS. The programme lasts for 3 years.

Master in Natural Sciences (Chemistry)
(in Estonian)

The master’s programme is the second level of academic study, where student enhances his/her specialist knowledge and professional skills and acquires the knowledge and skills necessary for independent work and doctoral studies. The volume of the master’s programme is 120 ECTS. The programme lasts for 2 years.

Read more about Bachelor's and master's studies at the University of Tartu.

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