Doctoral studies

After defending the master's thesis, it is possible to continue studies in doctoral studies.

General information

The procedure for applying for a doctoral degree (Doctor of Philosophy, PhD) at the Institute of Chemistry

Dissertation submission

It must be submitted to the secretary of the KI Council ( about 2 months (in the summer period, the time may be longer) before the defense electronically (or on a USB memory stick) as pdf files:

  • Application (signed, must contain the title of the work in Estonian and English and which degree is applied for)
  • Doctoral thesis print-ready text + work-related articles
  • Academic biography (UT curriculum vitae) in Estonian and English (signed)
  • Supervisor's assessment (signed, with opponent's proposal)
  • Brief summaries as a word file (in Estonian and English)

NB! The curriculum must be completed!

Dissertation formalization

  • The secretary of the Council of KI will send the materials to the academic secretary within 3 working days: statement, ready-to-print text of the thesis (as a word file) with articles (pdfs), a brief summary in Estonian and English, CV. In addition, Reet informs Maritsa and Kalmer Lauk.
  • The academic secretary will respond within 5 working days.
  • The KI Council decides on the admission to the defense: determines the opponent(s), the time and place of the defense and, if necessary, additional members.
  • The secretary of the KI Council gives the doctoral student an extract from the protocol, which can be used to print the work. Reet also forwards the protocol to Maritsa.
  • The author submits to the publishing house the permission (license) obtained from the publisher for the publication of the previously published publication, if it exists.
  • The extract must contain: the name of the degree applicant, the title of the thesis in the original and Estonian languages, the names of the supervisor(s), opponents and additional members along with the scientific degrees and institutional affiliation, the time and place of the defense and the exact name of the requested degree.
  • The author brings 23 copies of the work to the secretary of the Council of KI 1 month before the defense (for distribution to members of the Council of KI).
  • The secretary of the Council of KI sends short summaries of the doctoral thesis to internal information (
  • The thesis must be available in the University Library (on paper and pdf) 1 month before the defense.
  • After the defense, the secretary of the council sends the minutes about the decision of the defense committee to Reet Maritsa and Helen Asveid.

Defense of the dissertation

The defense of the thesis takes place as a public discussion at the meeting of the defense committee. The degree applicant and at least one of the opponents must be present at the defense.

The main steps of the defence procedure:

  • Degree applicant's presentation (25 minutes)
  • Academic discussion between degree applicant and opponents
  • Discussion with the participation of members of the defense committee and those present
  • Adoption and announcement of the decision
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