Marian Männi

Free energy is here: this hydrogen-powered coffee machine proves it

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Hydrogen is changing the way we store our energy, which means every household could take care of their own power needs and without polluting.

During Estonia’s most prominent startup event sTARTUp Day, three friends – University of Tartu researchers Rait Kanarbik and Peeter Valk, and engineer Kuldar Lepiste – decided to prove a point. They had worked on a hydrogen-fuelled car before and wanted to show how easy it was to apply similar technology on any home device. It took them only two days to create the hydrogen-powered coffee machine that occasionally lets out a small cloud of distilled water and a puff sound, humidifying and warming up the room at the same time. It only takes about two minutes to fill the hydrogen canister that can make 300 cups of coffee that will last you for many months.

“Hydrogen energy is not an abstract future technology!” a chemist Kanarbik told Research in Estonia. Read more.

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