EcoBalt 2023 – an event for the EACH programme!

EcoBalt osalejad
Arno Mikkor

During 9-11.10.2023 the 23rd conference in the EcoBalt series – EcoBalt 2023 – took place in Tallinn, co-organised by the National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics and the University of Tartu. With around 200 participants from 21 countries it was a major Ecology/Chemistry/Materials science event in the region.

The second day of the conference was quite an event also for the EACH programme!

Firstly, the session “Data Quality in Environmental Analysis” was organised by the EACH programme and with the aim of attracting as many EACH students as possible. This session is part of the EACH mini-conference series “Data Quality in Analytical Chemistry”. The invited speakers of the session were two metrology in chemistry “gurus” Dr. Steve Ellison from LGC and Dr. Bertil Magnusson from Trollboken who also hosted the following discussion session.

Dr. Steve Ellison kõne
Dr, Bertil Magnusson kõne

Secondly, the day also served as an EACH gettogether event. Altogether 18 current students and 21 EACH alumni participated and, as can be seen from the photos, had an interesting time.

Pamela Rivera
Tetiana Kyrpel

A number of EACH graduates (and two current students!) made presentations at the conference about their research. And it is a pleasure to announce that the best poster presentation award went to EACH graduate Vladyslav Dovhalyuk!

Parima postri auhinna võitja Vladyslav Dovhalyuk

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