University of Tartu celebrates the 99th anniversary of the Estonian national university

On Saturday, 1 December, the University of Tartu celebrates the 99th anniversary of the Estonian national university. At the anniversary ceremony, doctorates and honorary doctorates are conferred and the award for contribution to national identity is presented. During the week, many fascinating anniversary events take place at the university – for students, alumni and all those interested.

“If we look back at the time 99 years ago, we can say that as a national university we have achieved what Peeter Põld, the then curator the university, wished for. Põld was convinced that a national university cannot operate alone, on its own, but should be a part of an international joint research effort,” said UT Rector, Professor Toomas Asser before the anniversary. “To be an international national university – this is our key to success and longevity.”

At the ceremonial meeting held in the university assembly hall on 1 December, four honorary doctorates are conferred and the 113 doctors of philosophy who have received their degrees during the year are presented.

The university confers the title of Honorary Doctor in Folkloristics of the University of Tartu on Professor Dorothy Noyes of Ohio State University, the title of Honorary Doctor of Law on Professor Kåre Lilleholt of the University of Oslo, the title of Honorary Doctor in Medicine on Ilpo Tapani Huhtaniemi, Emeritus Professor of the University of Turku and Imperial College London, and the title of Honorary Doctor of Geography on Professor Frank Witlox of Ghent University.

The award for contribution to national identity is presented at the ceremony. This award is granted to individuals whose creative work has made an outstanding contribution to promoting the national identity of Estonians and Estonia. Joel Starkopf, Professor of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, delivers an academic lecture “Medicine as national science”.

Attendance at the ceremony is by invitation only. UTTV produces a live broadcast of the ceremony. Simultaneous translation into English is provided.

In the evening, the traditional torchlight procession of the university members starts at the academic building Vanemuise 46 at 17, and the anniversary ball in the Vanemuine Concert Hall at 19.

On Friday, 30 November, the Honorary Doctor of Folkloristics, Professor Dorothy Noyes delivers a public lecture “Whatever happened to Convivència? Festival and collective performance from the Spanish Transition to the Catalan crisis“ in Von Bock’s house (Ülikooli 16).

Anniversary events continue next week. On 6 December, the annual conference of UT Museum “Did we really want such a (national) university?” is held in the museum, starting at 9:30, and the presentation of the publication “Issues of the History of the University of Tartu” vol. 46 starts at 15:30. A new exhibition is opened in the Treasury at 16.

Photo exhibition “Takeoff”, displaying the graduation projects of the Estonian Native Textile students of Viljandi Culture Academy, will be open for all visitors in the lobby of the university’s main building until 14 January.

See the programme of anniversary events.


Further information:
Kady Sõstar, UT Senior Specialist for Protocol, 737 5685, 511 9188,

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