Andres Tennus

Mark your calendars: three-minute thesis competition for doctoral students to be held on 2 October

Once a year, doctoral students at the University of Tartu have a worthwhile opportunity to put themselves to the test in a three-minute thesis competition and gain wider exposure for their research. Speakers from each field are invited to give engaging presentations in Estonian or English, outlining the importance and results of their research. The competition will be held on 2 October in the University of Tartu Library Conference Hall. 

Doktorant teeb laval ettekannet
Three-minute thesis competition for doctoral students (author: Andres Tennus)

On the one hand, the short thesis competition is an opportunity for young researchers to develop their presentation and communication skills, and to talk about their research in a different way than usual. On the other hand, it offers a brief overview of the work of colleagues in other scientific fields, with lectures ranging from art to space and from gut to moss.

In an elevator pitch format, the doctoral student must summarise in clear language and in a popular scientific style the problem that motivated their research, its solutions, preliminary results and implications. The listeners need to learn for whom and how the research is important and what is new and exciting about a particular approach. The speech may be held in both Estonian and English, and a video recording will be made of each presentation. All doctoral students will be able to take part in a preparatory training course in English before the competition if they wish.

The best speakers will represent the university in the national final competition.

The jury, made up of researchers, journalists and experts, will assess the doctoral students' ability to present their research in a clear and engaging way to a wider audience. The most successful participants will receive cash prizes and the opportunity to represent the University of Tartu in a follow-up competition.

The three best Estonian and English presenters will have the chance to represent the University of Tartu at the Estonian Academy of Sciences' “Science in Three Minutes” national competition. The grand finals will be preceded by training sessions by the Academy of Sciences, which will give young researchers a hands-on experience of being in front of the camera and writing a popular science article. 

The best in 3-minute thesis competition

In addition, the video recording of the best English presentation will be sent to the competition of the international university network Coimbra Group to represent the University of Tartu. There, an international jury will select the three best among all participants, who will have the opportunity to present their work in the final competition taking place at the network's annual conference.

The university will look for opportunities to publish all the research presented in the competition on the university's communication channels or in the media, so that exciting stories about current research reach a wider audience.

Young researcher, come and challenge yourself and share your exciting research with others!

Registration for the competition opens on 27 August. More information on the competition will be published in early September. For the rules, advice and additional information, see the University of Tartu website.

The competition is organised by the University of Tartu's Office of Academic Affairs, Marketing and Communication Office and International Cooperation and Protocol Office.

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