Kätlin Aulik

Alumnus story. Ronald Väli: Journey from Medicine to Green Hydrogen and Electrolyzers

Where did your initial interest in chemistry come from?

Elektrokeemik Ronald Väli
Elektrokeemik Ronald Väli (author: Kätlin Aulik)

I actually wanted to become a doctor. In school, I felt that chemistry was interesting, but I was more fascinated by biology and the parts of the world related to medicine. Additionally, my mother was a dentist, so I had some insight into what being a doctor entails. However, my high school final exam results weren't enough to qualify for medical studies. I took a gap year, started doing sports, and prepared to apply again. Even then, I didn't get into medical school, but I decided I should still go study something. I was familiar with chemistry, and since it is a foundational subject for medicine, I decided to study it for a year. To my surprise, I started to develop an interest in this field. I especially liked organic chemistry and its practical classes – for example, I learned how to combine two smelly compounds to create a pleasant-smelling substance.

Several of my friends chose electrochemistry and physical chemistry. I also decided to study electrochemistry, and now I've been working with supercapacitors, batteries, and electrolyzers.

In the Bachelor's program at the Institute of Chemistry, there is a lot of mathematics in addition to chemistry. How did you manage that?

Mathematics was one of the hardest subjects for me, but I managed to get through it. Now, I've gotten even stronger because I encounter it constantly at work. It seems to me that it's easier to learn mathematics when you can apply it somewhere. For example, in impedance spectroscopy, you have to analyze an alternating current signal, which involves the use of complex numbers. In practice, mathematics becomes much more interesting.

Why did you decide to pursue a doctoral degree?

I was constantly surrounded by doctoral students, and I saw how they developed through their research work. Additionally, I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do next, but I knew that in a doctoral program, I could delve deeply into science and develop as a researcher.

What has your career path been like?

Initially, I didn't think at all that chemistry could lead me anywhere. My career path has not been straightforward. Although I've had goals, I've been flexible and open to new opportunities. For example, after getting my PhD, I had a firm goal to work at Tesla, but after talking to people who had interned or worked there, I realized that the work environment might not be suitable for me.

After finishing my doctoral studies, I went to postdoctoral research in Canada, where thanks to connections, I managed to join a well-known group in the field of lithium-ion batteries led by Jeff Dahn. I worked in Halifax, Canada, where pioneers in the field of lithium batteries are active and several new materials have been developed. Students studying in this small town usually have good opportunities to later work for large companies. I worked there for two years, but then my wife and I decided to return to Estonia.

I had already been in contact with people from OÜ Skeleton Technologies, and joining them upon returning to Estonia was a logical step, especially since they had just started developing a new high-power battery type. I worked at Skeleton for almost two years until I received an offer from the Norwegian company Morrow Batteries ASA. They are trying to bring lithium-nickel-manganese oxide batteries to the market, which operate at much higher voltages than current ones. My experience in Canada was useful there, particularly in the field of high-voltage lithium battery electrolyte development.

After a couple of years working in Norway, I felt that working from home and having little social interaction was becoming tiring. Since I had been in contact with people developing the Stargate Hydrogen brand who were interested in me, I decided to return to Estonia to apply my experience in lithium-ion battery testing and to get acquainted with electrolysis testing, in addition to working in the lab on-site and interacting with people face-to-face. I joined Stargate Hydrogen last October.

Currently, we are developing electrolyzers for green hydrogen production. I lead the testing team, and our task is to test new materials in the lab before they are used in larger devices. The company has many teams working on various tasks, so it is important to standardize measurement procedures and develop data analysis skills. I focus on increasing the efficiency and quality of electrolyzer testing.

I am very satisfied with my job. I like working in a smaller company where I can perform various tasks and influence processes. Although large companies are often more efficient, smaller companies offer more flexibility and the opportunity to have a say in shaping the organization.

Does what you learned at the Institute of Chemistry apply to your daily life? If so, how?

Since I am involved in laboratory development activities, the main chemical principles and analytical methods are central to my work. This includes physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and crystallography for developing materials with desired properties, as well as using analytical chemistry methods to determine various substances and their properties. Therefore, the skills and knowledge I acquired have directly transferred to my daily work.

A scientific education also provides me with critical thinking skills. It is important to evaluate where information comes from, how it is measured, and how accurate it is. With knowledge in chemistry, I can also assess the quality of scientific research and articles. When someone claims that scientists have proven something, I can understand by reading the article which methods were used and whether the results are reliable. Sometimes it turns out that the claims are based solely on focus group interviews or other social science methods that may not represent the whole society.

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of scientific criticality. It showed how science works: intelligent people can have different opinions that sometimes change when new discoveries come to light. For example, the understanding of the effectiveness of masks evolved. I find that by doing scientific and developmental work, a person's overall readiness and ability to adapt to different situations is significantly greater. It is important to maintain flexibility and openness to new scientific discoveries.

Physicists develop complex theories based on initial assumptions using induction, and mathematics allows for description. Chemistry consists of both, so chemists use and understand both physics and mathematics. Therefore, systems in chemistry are more complex, requiring more factual knowledge to draw conclusions. Chemistry also leans towards biology and medicine, where it is not possible to start with protons and then deduce how a large biomolecule behaves. In chemistry, one must learn the general principles of larger structures and draw conclusions or make predictions based on them.

What was your course like?

The study period was full of emotions and experiences. There was a strong spirit of cooperation on the course, and people were very versatile in my opinion. I interacted most with those working in the same chair in the fields of physical chemistry and electrochemistry. Collaboration with them was always excellent.

I have always been attracted to slightly odd and novel topics. When a new field emerged that no one else was dealing with yet, I was often the first in line. I don't know if others thought I liked such things or if they felt I was just open to everything new, but I often didn't have a colleague next to me dealing with a similar field (read: a narrow niche, because from a distance, energy storage topics seem very similar).

Chemists are known as fun and lively people who also know how to party. This connected students, researchers, and professors of different ages and created a pleasant atmosphere. In my opinion, people studying chemistry are sociable and communicative. This may also stem from the diversity of the field since chemistry is very broad. It is said that chemistry is all around us and, as far as we know, life without chemistry is impossible.

I recall many funny incidents from my study days. For example, in the first-year lab, we were taught not to suck liquid into a pipette with our mouth. Despite the warnings, it sometimes happened that someone tried and accidentally sucked the liquid into their mouth. Fortunately, these were not dangerous compounds, and everyone just got a good laugh.

I remember a colleague defending his doctoral thesis on energy storage, and his opponent said that although technological development and creating more efficient devices are important, the problem could also be solved in other ways. He ironically noted that if there were, for example, a billion fewer people, many problems would not exist. Such ideas, though humorous and impractical, show how important it is to be open to different perspectives besides scientific thinking. This thesis defense made me think about how sometimes problem-solving focuses on only one aspect, leaving other possible solutions unnoticed. For example, if we didn't need to drive cars, there wouldn't be a need for new and better cars.

Since studying at the University of Tartu accumulated many memories, returning to this city recently was very nostalgic. Although I couldn't attend the last major alumni reunion for chemists, I definitely want to be present at the next one.

Would you recommend chemistry studies at the University of Tartu to others?

Absolutely! The student life in Tartu alone is worth it. I remember that for me, this was a decisive factor when starting university. Tallinn is large, and Tallinn residents disperse throughout the city, so there isn't such a bond between students as in Tartu. The advantage often offered for Tallinn University of Technology is that it has a campus where all students are together. I would say that in Tartu, the entire city center is the campus.

I feel that a chemistry education has given me a strong foundation to rely on in life. It opens many doors and provides valuable knowledge and skills. It's important not to focus too much on the future image of a chemistry teacher or lab rat as the only options. These are, of course, both options – for example, I really enjoy teaching and experimenting in the lab – but there are many more possibilities.

For instance, if someone likes programming and working with computers, computational chemistry and theoretical modeling, which combine IT and chemistry, are excellent choices. If someone loves organizing things, they can manage projects in a technology development company: chemistry knowledge helps understand the technical side of the project, but the daily work involves collaboration with various departments and teams. Sociable people might find their place in technology sales. Here, it is important to understand what is being offered for sale, but most of the work involves communication and advising clients. With a chemistry education, one can start companies, lead work and development teams. Chemists who like precision and order can work in an analytical chemistry lab where strict procedures must be followed. Often, careers start in the lab, but one can advance to project or department management. Although Estonia does not have as large a chemical industry as Germany, for example, startup entrepreneurship is highly valued here.

What misconceptions about chemistry studies have you heard?

One myth I often hear is that natural sciences are not creative. However, any kind of development work requires constant innovation. It is not always creative in an artistic sense, but coming up with new solutions and solving problems still requires thinking outside the box.

Another misconception, as mentioned earlier, is that a graduate can only become a chemistry teacher or a laboratory worker. The field of chemistry offers a vast range of options, which can, of course, create a new problem: due to the great freedom, it can be challenging to make a final decision or see a clear career path.

Many people who have studied chemistry have later moved on to entirely different fields. For example, politicians Andrus Ansip and Marek Strandberg have a background in chemistry. Chemists have also founded successful companies, such as Alexela. The University of Tartu and other Estonian educational institutions have good international connections, and feedback from abroad suggests that Estonian chemists are highly regarded. Students and researchers from Estonia often work in high-level research groups, which shows the strength of our chemistry education. Therefore, a chemistry education provides a broad knowledge base and allows for a diverse career as a project manager, politician, entrepreneur, or researcher, among other roles.

Author: Romet Peedumäe

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