Scientists at Chemicum are studying how rats' joy and ultrasonic vocalizations help understand emotions and brain function. This research could lead to new treatments for mood disorders.
On 25 February at 16:15, Kaspar Valgepea will give his inaugural lecture entitled “How to recycle carbon oxides in waste using bacteria?” at the university assembly hall.
Led by the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Centre for Sustainable Development of the University of Tartu, a guidance material has been developed for researchers on how to conduct interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research.
10. veebruaril algusega kell 14.15 kaitseb Jan-Michael Cayme keemia erialal doktoritööd „Organic-inorganic interactions in experimental and archaeological ceramics“.
On 11 February, the University of Tartu organises the Estonian Doctoral School’s second Career Conference, The Value of a Doctoral Degree in the Job Market, in the university library.
20. detsembril 2024 kell 10.15 kaitseb Silvester Jürjo oma doktoritööd „Separation of rare earth elements from Estonian phosphorite ore using liquid extraction followed by electrochemical reduction.“
On 14 November, the Just Transition Forum “From smart shrinkage to sustainable large-scale industry. Visions for the future of Ida-Viru” will be held at the Narva College.