Industrial Master's program for companies

The Industrial Master's Program is a practical educational program that brings together first-year master's students from the University of Tartu's Institute of Chemistry and companies seeking the next generation of chemistry specialists who wish to contribute to their education."

We welcome partners to join the program throughout the year. If you wish to start collaboration from the 2024/25 academic year, please contact us by January 31, 2024, at the latest.

  • Students will start applying for positions offered by partners every November.
  • By the end of December, the company selects a suitable student.
  • In January, a tripartite agreement is signed between the student, the partner, and the university.

Students eligible to apply for the program are first-year master's students in the field of chemistry. By the time the collaboration begins, the students will have completed the subjects of the 1st semester.

The participation cost for a company/organization in the program is 1500 euros per month (+VAT), of which the university provides a scholarship of 500-900 euros to the student.

Before joining the program, it is essential to consider the type of student you expect for your offered project.

It's crucial to plan in advance:

the master's thesis topic and its approximate plan for 2-3 semesters,

who will be the company's supervisor,

what tasks the student will be involved in within the organization,

in what language will collaboration take place.

Partners collaborating in the program
Programmis osalevad koostööpartnerid
Programmis osalevad koostööpartnerid (author: Romet Peedumäe)
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